APRIL | MAY 2018

Hey everyone!
It’s been a while since we´ve updated you on our journey serving here in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

| A P R I L |
Last month, my class had the opportunity to do a short mission trip to a small town just north of La Paz. We were able to go out to this small town and fellowship with the brothers of the church out there and minister to the little ones during their spring break.
At the beginning of the month, we were able to take time off and have a silent retreat with our church. We went out to a ranch in the mountains and had quiet times with the Lord. It was a refreshing time to spend with the Lord with no distractions. It was an open invitation to everyone in the city and we had the privilege of having other people outside of the church join us. The Lord continues to add on to His church a little at a time.
We also had a Children's day activity at the church with my fellow classmates. We had tons of fun reaching out to the children of the church and of the community. We did a skit, played games, ate food, and most importantly shared the love of Christ with the little Niños!

| M A Y |
This month we celebrated 2 years of marriage!! We had the opportunity to go out for dinner and later this summer will be going to Mexico City for a couple of days.
These past few months have required sacrifice, but we continue to learn what God wants from both of us so He can be glorified through our marriage. It´s been incredible to see how He continue to work in our hearts.
Next month I will be done with my first semester. I am looking forward to finishing well and continuing to next semester.

Prayer Request
Please join us in prayer as God confirms what course I should take next semester. (Missions or Pastoral training)


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