

• SUMMER UPDATE • It has been a while since I last wrote a newsletter. So much has been going on and I would like to share that with you. After a year and a half  I finally graduate from La Huerta - Missions & Pastoral Ministry school. I could not be more thankful for everything that the Lord has taught  me and has allowed me to be part of. During this time I began to appreciate more the work of ministry. When entering this program my only desire was to learn more about His word and be able to share that with others and do ministry in a more effective way. I am grateful for all the teachers from here and those who traveled from far away to invest time to share their experiences and wisdom with us. My classmates inspired me so much in so many areas and I have the honor to be representing our class today as valedictorian. Through them God has graciously shown what ministry is all about. Ana, Her heart of compasiĆ³n for others. When someone is in need  she is ready to


2019 has finally arrived and this month we celebrate 5 years of serving here in Mexico! We are so joyful for all that God has done these wonderful years. I do apologize for not writing updates for the past few months, but I would like to catch you up on some things that happened last year Blake: As many of you know last year I was praying about starting school in the Pastorship Training program here in La Paz. Well, in September of 2018 I began school. It has been such an amazing blessing to be able study the word of God, and I have learned so much.  Part of this program is that we get to do a Biblical Analysis. We go through every book of the bible and write a paragraph analysis for every major character, place, and event in the book. This is extremely time consuming and difficult, but I have personally seen what a huge blessing it is to dig through and study deeply in the scriptures. Through this schooling I have also felt the calling to one day be a Pastor. My Wi

JULY 2018

SCHOOL IS OUT!  After spending 6 months in the 1st part of the pastoral ministry program my wife and I are ready to head to California today!  Tomorrow,  Wednesday July 25th, I will be sharing at my Church Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore. I would love for you to join us as I have been given the privilege to share with you what has been going on these past few years. LA HUERTA- GOD IS FAITHFUL!! Last weekend we had our first graduation at La Huerta it was filled with celebration! It brought joy to our hearts to see these young women and men dedicate their life to ministry. The Lord is doing a great work in this school and has provided land to start building the school facilities!!! CALVARY CHAPEL LA PAZ- WE ARE MOVING OUT!!!! After being in this church building for 3 years the Lord has blessed us with a new building with a great location, right in front of the university. Once we are back after our 2-week break, we will start to move out and expect to be installed by August 12th.  We

JUNE 2018

Hey everyone! Summer is here, and we are excited about what is coming our way! The first generation (2017 – 2018) at La Huerta Schools of Missions and Pastoral training will be graduating in a month. Our class (2018-2019) has just finished the first part of the program.  It's been great to be part of this journey.   The Lord has taught me so much through the truth of His word. Growing up in the church I already knew a lot about the bible, but taking these classes has given me a deeper understanding. These classes have cleared up so many doubts and questions that I had about doctrine. It has been a huge blessing being a student here at La Huerta.  Next semester I will be entering the Pastoral Traning Program. I do believe God has gifted me with the gift of teaching. There is a passion in me to help others understand the importance of God's word and apply it to their lives. On Wednesday, July 25 th  at   7:00 pm  I will be sharing at my Church Calvary Chapel Lake El

APRIL | MAY 2018

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since we´ve updated you on our journey serving here in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. | A P R I L | Last month, my class had the opportunity to do a short mission trip to a small town just north of La Paz. We were able to go out to this small town and fellowship with the brothers of the church out there and minister to the little ones during their spring break. At the beginning of the month, we were able to take time off and have a silent retreat with our church. We went out to a ranch in the mountains and had quiet times with the Lord. It was a refreshing time to spend with the Lord with no distractions. It was an open invitation to everyone in the city and we had the privilege of having other people outside of the church join us. The Lord continues to add on to His church a little at a time. We also had a Children's day activity at the church with my fellow classmates. We had tons of fun reaching out to the child


Hey everyone! This year seems to be going by fast! Thank God we've been busy during this time and we have enjoyed seeing all that God is doing her in La Paz. Last month we wrote about Bridges Conversation Club, a new project that the Lord had placed to reach the young adult community. This Club allows others to come out to the church and practice their english skills with board games and conversations. We are there to give them feedback and build relationships. We started on February 24th. That day new people didn’t show up, but it was a good practice run. We were able to see where we could improve. Week 2: We had 5 new people! Week 3: We welcomed 15 new people! Week 4: We had 10 new people! Some have been very consistent others have come every once in a while. But so far we’ve had a group of 20 - 25 people each week! God is doing amazing things! Nestor,  Blake , and I are blessed to be leading this club! Please check out the Facebook page. (Link Below) Nestor ha


(ENGLISH) Hey everyone we are very excited about a new project coming up this month where we will be able to use our gifts and talents that the Lord has given us by allowing us to connect with others around the city of La Paz. This project is called “Bridges.” We believe that the Lord will use this ministry to meet, connect and share with others about the love of Christ. College students are required to know a certain percentage of English in order to graduate. Bridges will be a conversational group for anyone who has the desire to learn or reinforce their English skills. We believe God will use Bridges to connect people to our young adults group & even our local church. Please pray for : - God’s will to be done in this program. That His spirit may direct us in every step of the way - That others may step up and be part of the Bridge Team. We are blessed to be working with Nestor, Jessica, Job & Jocelyn. << Keep them in your prayers sin